

Selasa, 02 September 2014

Selena Gomez's latest tattoo

Just like the lover that is Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez also like tattoos. Evidenced by the latest tattoo is on the back of the neck with Selena Gomez tattoo motif lxxvi posts. Then what is the meaning of existing tattoo on Selena Gomez's neck? It was said that the writing tattoo motif is derived from the Roman numeral 76 which has a meaning.

 Selena Gomez reason what so willing to take the decision to be tattooed?
Actually, it is not the first tattoo Selena Gomez. Because previous Selena Gomez has one small tattoo that is on her wrist. And that is precisely the reason to get a tattoo this is the second thanks to a recommendation on a beautiful artist named Vannesa Hudgens. Reportedly, during the process of tattoo selena gomez feel very nervous because the process is very painful.

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